Des Minautores pour Heroes VI

Meeeeuuuhh !!

Juste une petite image dévoilée récemment sur le site officiel Might and Magic :

… le tout avec une petite explication (en anglais dans le texte, je vous ferai une traduction bientôt) :

Like the Harpies and Centaurs, the Minotaurs are Beastmen, created by the Wizards of the Seven Cities in the year 512 YSD. Half-human and half-bull, the The Minotaur was meant to be the shock infantry to fight alongside the Centaur cavalry.

As for a Minotaur Guard, the Crimson Wizards of Al-Rubit, in a diplomatic gesture that surprised many and angered their neighbours in the Silver Cities, made a gift of one thousand loyal Minotaurs to the Dark Elves. In a short period of time, the Minotaurs took oaths of loyalty to the Dark Elves and Malassa. The Dark Elves that appreciated their strength and loyalty gave them freedom instead of using them as slaves. Both sides have benefitted from this new friendship since. 


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