[HoMM2/Mod] Project Ironfist

Forum de discussion sur Heroes of Might and Magic 1 et 2

Modérateurs: GodRage, Morrock

[HoMM2/Mod] Project Ironfist

Messagepar Orzie » Mar 9 Déc 2014, 06:58

I present you the only existing massive mod for Heroes 2: Project Ironfist!

Mainly, this mod is a modding platform which supports not only replacement of the original game content, like graphics, but also invents a scripting language (Lua) and reforms the game data in that way so the users can potentially change anything in it.

You can find it here: http://www.ironfi.st/wordpress/


Currently, the project has stepped at a new level, as the new 7th faction is being developed to be implemented in Heroes 2.
I will reveal the details later if someone will be interested.
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Enregistré le: Mar 9 Déc 2014, 06:12
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Re: [HoMM2/Mod] Project Ironfist

Messagepar GodRage » Mar 9 Déc 2014, 21:42

Wahou !! a 7th faction !?? ^^
Hmm... I saw that it's easy to change the stats of any monsters, and that's great ! :) (some day I may only consider playing on your ironfist ! :)). (edit: soon an xml for building's prices ?)
But... Still a problem for us, your ironfist translate our French versions in English versions. :s

I planned long time ago to maybe mod it someday... But alone it wasn't possible.. ironfist gimme hope again ! :)
And... so, I will write a few of the ideas here, because I would like you tell me if there is things impossible to do..

What about Secondary's skills ?... The recon that Warlocks own...
Changing secondary's skills of heroes ? (at start, by default).
Changing some effects of secondaries : Navigation in expert should prevent to loose movement when "going in ship/leave ship".

When Magic is over ten, it gives +1 to magic secondary skills. (over 20 = +2, etc)
magic secondary skills = necromantie, wisdom,
when necromantie is over lvl 10 (= over 100%), extra % isn't more skelets, but probability to makebone dragons.

An artefact that prevent heroes to cast "global spells". (like massive haste)
Artefact that put 2 Titans on the battle field only after my last monster die, and the Artefact disappear after effect.

Making profiles, and saving stats... and preselecting difficulty/castle/hero...
I did make an "ideas screenshot".

Artefacts organization like H3 would be perfect but... I guess it's already in your todo list. :p

map editor :
1/ it would be great to be able to put it in a bigger window size without making a pixel's distortions. :)
2/ making theses monsters or so in a bigger size. Actually it's a 80% waste of space (and not easy to recognize.. especially in some years that ironfist will have muuuch more content)
h2-editor-wrong-size.png (2.03 Kio) Vu 5508 fois
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Grand Maître
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Re: [HoMM2/Mod] Project Ironfist

Messagepar Orzie » Mer 10 Déc 2014, 05:28

If you make Expert Navigation so valuable, the Sorceresses will become even more overpowered on the maps with water. Skills which give movement points are anyway overpowered, especially if we take into account that the Phoenix is the fastest creature in the game, and Grand Elf is close.

Same for Necromancy, Necromancers are overpowered even without this tweaking of the skill. There is no point to do that. I don't know if Project Ironfist has a recipe to make it all, but theoretically almost everything is possible.

Preselecting stuff concerns an upgrade of the map editor (it's desirable, but I don't know if it will be ever implemented by Darmani, he has a lot of work), which leads to a new map format (which is not so desirable).

About resizing stuff in the map editor - I guess, it could only be 4x pictures, but nothing more specific. The map editor shows the original size of objects.

For now, we work on the new faction (see my avatar).
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Enregistré le: Mar 9 Déc 2014, 06:12
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Re: [HoMM2/Mod] Project Ironfist

Messagepar GodRage » Mer 10 Déc 2014, 12:59

oh, anyway, whoever would add these things will have to re-balance the game. :)

Thanks for all your answers Orzie. :)
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Grand Maître
Grand Maître
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Enregistré le: Jeu 5 Mai 2005, 22:40
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