HoMM1-2 Fonts (TTF)

Forum de discussion sur Heroes of Might and Magic 1 et 2

Modérateurs: GodRage, Morrock

HoMM1-2 Fonts (TTF)

Messagepar Orzie » Mar 9 Déc 2014, 06:36

Here are the fonts converted in TTF, feel free to use them for your site (unfortunately, these support Cyrillic instead of additional symbols used in French language). Perhaps someone can re-make them for French.

Symbol Table:

Fichiers joints
H1-2 Fonts Latinic/Cyrillic
(11.07 Kio) Téléchargé 507 fois
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Enregistré le: Mar 9 Déc 2014, 06:12
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Re: HoMM1-2 Fonts (TTF)

Messagepar GodRage » Mar 9 Déc 2014, 21:55

I dream of a HoMM font that isn't pixel-based. But it deserves hours and hours of work... (and if we want it for both russian french english spanish polish tzech etc... it must be a big project itself !^^)
Je rêve d'une police HoMM qui ne soit pas pixélisée. Mais il faudrait des heures et des heures de travail ... (Et si on la veut pour toutes les langues, fr russe anglais polonais tchèque etc.. ça sera un gros pojet !)
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Grand Maître
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Re: HoMM1-2 Fonts (TTF)

Messagepar Orzie » Mer 10 Déc 2014, 05:19

I don't understand correctly what you mean, because every font is pixel based. You can extract the original symbols from the game and use them, but it will never become a TTF font.

Heroes 2 letters are the same as Heroes 1 letters, but they possess multiple colors which work as anti-aliasing to help them fit to the beige/grey background of Heroes 2 message windows. If you will use original letters and don't use TTF, it will not support resizing, copying, pasting, etc.
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Enregistré le: Mar 9 Déc 2014, 06:12
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Re: HoMM1-2 Fonts (TTF)

Messagepar GodRage » Mer 10 Déc 2014, 14:50

Hmmm... I meant a font in vectorial form ; the "pixel form" is like the one I use on my website ; http://homm2.free.fr/ ... on the title on each page (in yellow), shows stairs instead of lines. (no problem for vertical and horizontal lines, but any other lines will have pixels..).
edit : adding a screenshot :
Font-pixel-problem.png (57.44 Kio) Vu 7224 fois

If I use Verdana (for exemple), big size letters won't have theses "pixel-look" stairs.
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Grand Maître
Grand Maître
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Re: HoMM1-2 Fonts (TTF)

Messagepar Orzie » Mer 10 Déc 2014, 20:52

Hmm, a thing to consider. I don't know how to deal with this problem, unfortunately, and have too much other tasks to work out currently.
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Enregistré le: Mar 9 Déc 2014, 06:12
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Re: HoMM1-2 Fonts (TTF)

Messagepar GodRage » Jeu 11 Déc 2014, 02:00

We can do that with FontForge ... But it's going to take hours and hours.
And same as you, I've many others task to do. :D
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Grand Maître
Grand Maître
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Enregistré le: Jeu 5 Mai 2005, 22:40
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