Recherche de joueur H3 actif
Modérateurs: GodRage, alexasteph
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Recherche de joueur H3 actif
Je cherche des joueurs H3 actifs ( si possible jouant sous Tuungle , cela facilite grandement les choses )
Je joue aussi à wog pour ceux que cela intéresse.
Tout en random ( map , château , etc ... ) , 200% ou moins si vous préférez
Me contacter par Mp ou sur ce post
Je cherche des joueurs H3 actifs ( si possible jouant sous Tuungle , cela facilite grandement les choses )
Je joue aussi à wog pour ceux que cela intéresse.
Tout en random ( map , château , etc ... ) , 200% ou moins si vous préférez
Me contacter par Mp ou sur ce post

- Tempus
- Novice
- Messages: 4
- Enregistré le: Mer 14 Nov 2012, 01:52
Re: Recherche de joueur H3 actif
Y'a vraiment personne ? 

- Tempus
- Novice
- Messages: 4
- Enregistré le: Mer 14 Nov 2012, 01:52
Re: Recherche de joueur H3 actif
Bonjour, je te souhaite tout le bonheur du monde dans ta recherche de monde pour joue à H3. 
Il y a des joueurs, mais ils ne passent pas forcément chaque jour sur le forum.

Il y a des joueurs, mais ils ne passent pas forcément chaque jour sur le forum.

GodRage - Grand Maître
- Administrateur
- Messages: 2544
- Enregistré le: Jeu 5 Mai 2005, 22:40
- Localisation: Enroth
Re: Recherche de joueur H3 actif
Bonjour Tempus,
Me voilà !! un joueur frais qui connaît bien le jeu mais... nul comme un débutant ^^ ! Impossible de m'améliorer depuis les années 90 !
Je veux bien essayer de jouer avec, ou contre toi !
Me voilà !! un joueur frais qui connaît bien le jeu mais... nul comme un débutant ^^ ! Impossible de m'améliorer depuis les années 90 !
Je veux bien essayer de jouer avec, ou contre toi !

- Alex
- Novice
- Messages: 6
- Enregistré le: Mer 19 Déc 2012, 16:17
Re: Recherche de joueur H3 actif
Bonjour à tous!
Je cherche des joueurs pour Heroes III aussi, mon frère peut jouer aussi.
Faut juste qu'on m'explique pour faire fonctionner internet.
Merci, bonne journée à tous
Bonnes fêtes de fin d'année!
Je cherche des joueurs pour Heroes III aussi, mon frère peut jouer aussi.
Faut juste qu'on m'explique pour faire fonctionner internet.
Merci, bonne journée à tous
Bonnes fêtes de fin d'année!
- Lakerssfr
- Novice
- Messages: 1
- Enregistré le: Mer 26 Déc 2012, 11:07
Re: Recherche de joueur H3 actif
salut, tu peux préciser "faire fonctionner internet". je pense que tu as voulu dire jouer en ligne.
faut faire pour celui qui lance la partie( on va dire en tcp/ip).
1.Nouvelle partie (nouveau)
4.Créer (pas besoin de mot de passe.Vous pouvez laisser la proposition" ma partie")
5. L'autre joueur à qui vous aurez communiqué votre Ip suivra le même processus sauf au point 4. Joindre puis taper l'Ip de celui qui crée la partie et voilà.
PS:attention, il y a un autre sujet identique concernant les joueurs qui veulent jouer. Evitons les doublons. Merci
faut faire pour celui qui lance la partie( on va dire en tcp/ip).
1.Nouvelle partie (nouveau)
4.Créer (pas besoin de mot de passe.Vous pouvez laisser la proposition" ma partie")
5. L'autre joueur à qui vous aurez communiqué votre Ip suivra le même processus sauf au point 4. Joindre puis taper l'Ip de celui qui crée la partie et voilà.
PS:attention, il y a un autre sujet identique concernant les joueurs qui veulent jouer. Evitons les doublons. Merci

Captain.Coronius - Disciple
- Archange
- Messages: 268
- Enregistré le: Dim 30 Juil 2006, 15:42
- Localisation: strasbourg
Re: Recherche de joueur H3 actif
j'ai pas réussi à jouer en multi sous tunngle, je suis donc passé sur hamachi, sinon, je serai éventuellement dispo (surtout les week-end en fait) pour une partie
mon adresse mail :
facebook : ZINDO Michael
mon adresse mail :
facebook : ZINDO Michael
- cell_maley
- Novice
- Messages: 6
- Enregistré le: Mer 10 Avr 2013, 15:34
Re: Recherche de joueur H3 actif
Hello. With you Armag. There is a sponsor and we are planning to organize a team international tournament on the game heroes of the might and magic 3. Shadow of death. Each country can collect its national team of 3-6 players. But the more players there are, the more better. Most likely, replacements will be allowed. The teams will play several players for the game in the format 1x1. Up to 2 -3 victories. Players are required to select a captain, as well as be able to stream every game or provide a demonstration of the screen (for example through skype or timeweaver). At the moment, the prize background is 50,000 rubles. More detailed information will be available later. While the tournament is at the polling stage and the formation of teams. Try disseminate this information as widely as possible, especially if you are a representative of foreign countries.
The game will be played on the version of Heroes of Might and Magic 3. Shadow of Death + HD mod + hwruless. We use for communication programs - hamachi, teamviwer, gameranger.
The more teams we can collect - the more interesting the tournament can turn out! All in your hands! All in advance. Thank you!
We want to make sure that every game was played for 1 time in one chosen day. Select captain of each team and he decides who will be on his team to play. The captain must be an responsible and reliable person to all problems through it could be solved. If the player of the team can not finish playing - he can immediately be replaced by another player and he will continue play next. In total, between the two teams will have to play up to 2 or 3 wins. Have not decided yet.
Each player will stream the game on a tweet, YouTube or somewhere else or provide a screen demonstration (skype, timewire).
But if during the game it will be seen that the player peeks for the game of the opponent and behaves strangely on the map or in battle -can be considered a technical failure.
We are going to make three prizes. 1 place - 25 000 rubles, 2 place - 15 000 rubles, 3 place - 10 000 rubles russian. so or about such figures
We plan to make games on random maps (templates). Templates either will be offered by each national team and we will form a list. And then players will take turns deleting the templates until there are 1 and they will play. Ili in the first game - one team selects a template, in the second game the second team. And if the score is 1-1, then in the third game, delete the templates until select 1 template.
In 2011 and 2012, the World Championship was held for Heroes 3. And then there was a scandal. The Chinese team has found some dishonest moments. And after that they stopped holding world championships. I want to return this tradition and organize again try. We have not done this yet. But it will be later. We first need to negotiate with all teams. Learn the general quantity. Then we need to discuss the rules that will suit everyone. Then we will discuss the terms of the games and the specific format of the tournament. And then we'll make the page. Are going to play Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Lithuania, Estonia, Czech Republic
Have not decided yet: Moldova, China, Bulgaria, Latvia, Serbia
I have also tried to contact England, the United States, Germany, but unlikely there are heroes so popular ....
Countries with few players will be allowed to join the same team. If they need it. Ili to make a national team Asia, America or Europe. The main thing is for more countries to participate. This will benefit the popularity of the game heroes 3. The more players you have, the easier it will be for you to find those who will be and the time and date for the game is convenient. And easier will make a replacement.
Here are my first three tournaments: ... 16&sort=dd
If you use the browser Yandex brovser or Chrome - they offer to translate the page at the top of the necessary language
automatically and you can read them conveniently then.
Now there is only discussion on our portal about this tournament:
Here are the first three show-tournaments for the game Heroes 3: ... 16&sort=dd
You can contact me like this:
Vk page:
Programy ICQ: 620163142
HW Portál:
Skype: armageddetss
The game will be played on the version of Heroes of Might and Magic 3. Shadow of Death + HD mod + hwruless. We use for communication programs - hamachi, teamviwer, gameranger.
The more teams we can collect - the more interesting the tournament can turn out! All in your hands! All in advance. Thank you!
We want to make sure that every game was played for 1 time in one chosen day. Select captain of each team and he decides who will be on his team to play. The captain must be an responsible and reliable person to all problems through it could be solved. If the player of the team can not finish playing - he can immediately be replaced by another player and he will continue play next. In total, between the two teams will have to play up to 2 or 3 wins. Have not decided yet.
Each player will stream the game on a tweet, YouTube or somewhere else or provide a screen demonstration (skype, timewire).
But if during the game it will be seen that the player peeks for the game of the opponent and behaves strangely on the map or in battle -can be considered a technical failure.
We are going to make three prizes. 1 place - 25 000 rubles, 2 place - 15 000 rubles, 3 place - 10 000 rubles russian. so or about such figures
We plan to make games on random maps (templates). Templates either will be offered by each national team and we will form a list. And then players will take turns deleting the templates until there are 1 and they will play. Ili in the first game - one team selects a template, in the second game the second team. And if the score is 1-1, then in the third game, delete the templates until select 1 template.
In 2011 and 2012, the World Championship was held for Heroes 3. And then there was a scandal. The Chinese team has found some dishonest moments. And after that they stopped holding world championships. I want to return this tradition and organize again try. We have not done this yet. But it will be later. We first need to negotiate with all teams. Learn the general quantity. Then we need to discuss the rules that will suit everyone. Then we will discuss the terms of the games and the specific format of the tournament. And then we'll make the page. Are going to play Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Lithuania, Estonia, Czech Republic
Have not decided yet: Moldova, China, Bulgaria, Latvia, Serbia
I have also tried to contact England, the United States, Germany, but unlikely there are heroes so popular ....
Countries with few players will be allowed to join the same team. If they need it. Ili to make a national team Asia, America or Europe. The main thing is for more countries to participate. This will benefit the popularity of the game heroes 3. The more players you have, the easier it will be for you to find those who will be and the time and date for the game is convenient. And easier will make a replacement.
Here are my first three tournaments: ... 16&sort=dd
If you use the browser Yandex brovser or Chrome - they offer to translate the page at the top of the necessary language
automatically and you can read them conveniently then.
Now there is only discussion on our portal about this tournament:
Here are the first three show-tournaments for the game Heroes 3: ... 16&sort=dd
You can contact me like this:
Vk page:
Programy ICQ: 620163142
HW Portál:
Skype: armageddetss
- Armageddets
- Novice
- Messages: 1
- Enregistré le: Sam 10 Fév 2018, 22:00
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